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Copper Water Bottle - 1ltr
Since ages, Water has been stored in Copper utensils by mankind. Earlier, water supply was done through copper pipes and copper taps to reduce unwanted micro-organisms present in water. In ancient times, our ancestors used to store water in metal wares like copper to derive its mineral content and to make water rich. Copper is one of the essential minerals required for our body. Ayurveda states that storing water in copper ware overnight and consuming the same early morning aids good health. However, due to convenience and affordability of Plastic, plastic has impregnated into our lives to a deeper extent. So, let’s make this switch and stay healthy!
Benefits of Copper Water Bottle:
1. Adrish’s Copper Water Bottle has anti-microbial properties.
2. Drinking Tamra Jal (Water stored in Copperware) helps regulating body’s fat.
3. To carry out normal metabolism, copper intake in small quantities is important. However, human body cannot produce copper on its own. Thus, drinking Tamra Jal aids normal metabolic activities.
4. Drinking Tamra Jal reduces possibility of food-poisoning.
5. Consumption of Copper Water may reduce and cure ulcers, piles internal wounds and various skin diseases.
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