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Kokum Squash

   ₹ 225.00

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Kokum Squash

Give a fresh start to your day with Adrish’s natural Kokum Squash.

In Ayurveda, Kokum has its own importance for controlling acidity levels. It is a super-food which can easily tackle body heat. This special summer drink contains various types of useful acids, vitamin B, manganese, magnesium, potassium acid as well as dietary fibre which helps in reducing cholesterol and excess weight. It plays an instrumental role as an immunity booster. Due to its medicinal properties and anti-ageing properties, it acts as a guard against various infections and promotes healthy hair and skin.


1.      Add 3-4 spoons of Squash in chilled water. Using naturally chilled water from earthen pots is recommended over ice cubes. Adding a pinch of Jeera powder to it enhances its taste. Garnish it with mint leaves and your drink is ready to be served! Sip Slow and enjoy this tummy pacifier.


1.      It is a 500ml bottle.

2.      Shipped in a Glass Bottle.




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