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Lemon Ginger Squash

   ₹ 225.00

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Lemon Ginger Squash

Jumpstart your day with Adrish’s 100% natural Lemon-ginger squash to beat the heat. It is a unique blend of spicy, pungent and tasty Ginger and Lemons.Our ancestors used this distinctive mixture in different forms to treat various health problems.From Grandma’s Books:

1. Daily consumption of sugarless lemon-ginger squash aids in building powerful health and reduces excess weight and cholesterol levels.

2. Dietary fibers and proteinsin the squash help in improving blood circulation and acts as blood purifier.

3. Loaded with vitamin C, its anti-inflammatory properties helps in treating numerous painful conditions caused from arthritis to dysmenorrhea.

4. Lemon Ginger squash give relief from stress and boosts mental and physical freshness.


a. It is a 500ml bottle

b. Shipped in a glass bottle. (Let’s do our bit to save nature)

Enjoy the freshness and many health benefits of this delicious sugar-free drink! Cheers!

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