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Jamun Squash

   ₹ 199.00

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Jamun Squash

Benefits -

1.      Diabetic Friendly - maintains Blood Sugar Levels.

2.      Keeps Body Cholesterol in check.

3.      Tackles Indigestion.

4.      Helps in increasing Haemoglobin.

5.      100% Natural - No Sugar added, Organic.

6.      Direct-from-Farms.

7.      Simply Natural, Healthy and Yummy!

Ingredients - Jamun Pulp, Jamun Seed Extract, Black Salt.

Shake well before use. No need to Refrigerate.

How to make? - Just add 2-3 Tbsp of Squash to 200ml glass of Chilled Water and your Diabetic friendly drink is ready to be served! "

“The only way to build hope is through the Earth.” – Vandana  Shiva

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